Monday 8 October 2012

The Year of Faith - find time to be silent and pray

From the Archbishop's pastoral letter read out yesterday in all Churches of the Maltese Islands:

".....Pope Benedict is appealing to us to ..... make more time for God, so that he may fill us with his graces; and to reflect more profoundly upon the words of Jesus on the content of our faith.  If we wish to increase our faith, our biggest contribution  should be for us to “find time to be silent and pray.  On the other hand, we should try and undertand what Jesus is trying to tell us through his Word”.  We need to know him, in order to be able to speak about him; we need to know his teachings because we must walk in his footsteps; we need to follow him because he is the Way; we need to discover his love.  All that is required is that we offer God our time and our attention:  he will give us the rest.  This is Faith. This is God’s generosity.  If we live our faith, which emanates from God, then it cannot be conquered."


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