Sunday in Ordinary Time
Il-Ħmistax-il Ħadd matul is-Sena
Missalin A p 326
Reading 1 Isaiah 55
Thus says the LORD
L-Ewwel Lezzjoni
- Isaija 55, 10-11
Dan igħid il-Mulej:
"Bħalma x-xita u s-silġ jinżlu mis-smewwiet, u ma jerġgħux lura
mnejn ġew bla ma jsaqqu l-art, imma jġegħluha tnissel u tnibbet, u tagħti
ż-żerriegħa lil min jiżra, u l-ħobż lil min jiekol, hekk jiġri minn kelmti: hija toħroġ minn fommi, u ma terġax lura vojta,
imma tagħmel dak li jogħġob lili, u ttemm dak li nkun bgħattha
tagħmel." Il-Kelma tal-Mulej
Responsorial Psalm - Psalm 65: 10, 11,
12-13, 14
have visited the land and watered it;
greatly have you enriched it.
God’s watercourses are filled;
you have prepared the grain.
R. The seed that falls on good ground will yield a fruitful harvest.
greatly have you enriched it.
God’s watercourses are filled;
you have prepared the grain.
R. The seed that falls on good ground will yield a fruitful harvest.
have you prepared the land:
drenching its furrows,
breaking up its clods,
Softening it with showers,
blessing its yield.
R. The seed that falls on good ground will yield a fruitful harvest.
breaking up its clods,
Softening it with showers,
blessing its yield.
R. The seed that falls on good ground will yield a fruitful harvest.
have crowned the year with your bounty,
and your paths overflow with a rich harvest;
The untilled meadows overflow with it,
and rejoicing clothes the hills.
R. The seed that falls on good ground will yield a fruitful harvest.
and your paths overflow with a rich harvest;
The untilled meadows overflow with it,
and rejoicing clothes the hills.
R. The seed that falls on good ground will yield a fruitful harvest.
fields are garmented with flocks
and the valleys blanketed with grain.
They shout and sing for joy.
R. The seed that falls on good ground will yield a fruitful harvest.
and the valleys blanketed with grain.
They shout and sing for joy.
R. The seed that falls on good ground will yield a fruitful harvest.
Salm Responsorjali -
Salm 64(65)
Inti żżur l-art u ssaqqiha,
u tagħniha bil-ġid tiegħek.
Il-wied ta' Alla mimli bl-ilma,
il-qamħ tagħhom ħejjejtilhom.
R/ Iż-żerriegħa waqgħet f'art tajba, u għamlet
Hekk int tħejjiha;
issaqqi r-raddiet u twitti t-tub
bl-irxiex trabbatha u tberkilha
Fawwart is-sema bi tjubitek,
triqatek bil-ġid joqtru.
R/ Iż-żerriegħa waqgħet f'art tajba, u għamlet
Joqtru bin-nida l-mergħat
u bil-ferħ jitħażżmul-għoljiet.
Il-mergħat jimtlew bl-imrieħel,
il-widien jinksew bil-qamħ;
jgħajtu lkoll u jgħannu bil-ferħ.
R/ Iż-żerriegħa waqgħet f'art tajba, u għamlet
Reading II - Romans 8: 18-23
Brothers and
sisters: I consider that the sufferings of this
present time are as nothing compared with the glory to be revealed for us. For creation awaits with eager expectation the revelation of the children of God; for creation was made subject to
futility, not of its own accord but because of the one who subjected it, in
hope that creation itself would be set free from slavery to corruption and
share in the glorious freedom of the children of God. We know that all creation is groaning in labour pains even until now; and not
only that, but we ourselves, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, we also
groan within ourselves as we wait for adoption, the redemption of our bodies. This is the Word of The Lord.
It-Tieni Lezzjoni
- Ittra lir-Rumani 8, 18-23
Ħuti, jiena għadni
persważ li t-tbatijiet ta' issa ma għandhom xejn x'jaqsmu mal-glorja li għadd
trid trid tidher fina. Il-ħlejjaq
kollha qegħdin jistennew ħerqana r-rivelazzjoni ta' wlied Alla, għax il-ħolqien
jinsab taħt il-frugħa – mhux minn rajh, imma minħabba dak li xeħtu taħtha –
bit-tama li l-ħlejjaq huma wkoll għad ikunu meħlusa mill-jasar tat-taħsir u
jiksbu l-ħelsien tal-glorja ta' wlied Alla. Aħna nafu li l-ħolqien kollu għadu
s'issa jitniehed bl-uġiegħ tal-ħlas; u mhux hu biss, imma
wkoll aħna li għandna l-ewwel frott ta' l-Ispirtu, aħna wkoll nitniehdu fina
nfusna waqt li nistennew l-adozzjoni ta' wlied, il-fidwa ta' ġisimna. Il-Kelma tal-Mulej
- Matthew 13: 1-23
- skond San Mattew 13, 1-23
Dakinhar Ġesu' ħareġ
mid-dar, mar f'xatt il-baħar u qagħad bilqiegħda hemm. U nġabru madwaru folol hekk kbar ta' nies li
kellu jitla' fuq dgħajsa u jinżel bilqiegħda
fiha; in-nies qagħdu lkoll wieqfa fuq
ix-xatt, u hu beda jkellimhom fuq bosta
ħwejjeġ tal-parabboli. U qalilhom: "Darba wieħed bidwi ħareġ jiżra'. Huwa u jiżra' xi żerrigħat waqgħu mal-mogħdija, ġew
l-għasafar u naqqruhom kollha. Oħrajn
waqgħu f'art kollha blat, fejn ma kienx
hemm wisq ħamrija, u malajr nibtu, għax il-ħamrija
ma kinitx fonda; iżda mbagħat telgħet ix-xemx, u nħarqu unixfu, għax ma kellhomx għeruq. Oħrajn waqgħu qalb ix-xewk, u x-xewk kbir
magħhom u ħonoqhom. Imma oħrajn waqgħu f'art tajba, u għamlu l-frott, min mija, min sittin, u min
tletin. Min għandu widnejn, ħa jisma!" Resqu lejh id-dixxipli u staqsew:
"Għaliex tkellimhom bil-parabboli?" Hu weġibhom: " Għax lilkom ingħata
li tagħrf l-misteri tas-Saltna tas-Smewwiet, iżda lilhom dan ma kienx mogħti. Għax kull min għandu, jingħatalu, u jkollu
żżejjed ukoll; iżda min ma għandux,
jitteħidlu saħansitra dak li għandu.
Jien għalhekk inkellimhom bil-parabboli; għax iħarsu kemm iħarsu ma jaraw; u jisimgħu
kemm jisimgħu ma jifhmux. U hekk isseħħ fihom
il-profezija ta' Isaija li tgħid: "Tisimgħu kemm tisimgħu ma tifhmux, u
tħarsu kemm tħarsu ma tarawx. Għax
il-qalb ta' dan il-poplu twebbset; kienu tqal biex jisimgħu b'widnejhom, u
għalqu għajnejhom, li ma jomorrux jaraw b'għajnejhom, u jisimgħu b'widnejhom u
jifhmu b'moħħhom, u hekk ibiddlu ħajjithom u jiena nfejjaqhom." Intom, iżda, henjin għajnejkom, għax qegħdin
jaraw; ħenjin widnejkom, għax qegħdin jisimgħu.
Tassew, ngħidilkom, li bosta
profeti u nies ġusti xtaqu jaraw dak li qegħdin taraw intom u ma rawħx, u jisimgħu dak li qegħdin
tisimgħu intom, u ma semgħuxh! Mela
isimgħuha intom il-parabbola ta' dak li ħareġ
jiżra'. Kull min jisima' l-kelma
tas-Saltna u ma jifhimhiex, jersaq il-Ħażin
ujisraqlu dak li jkun inżera'
f'qalbu; dan huwa dak li nżera'
mal-mogħdija. Dak li nżera' f'art kollha blat huwa dak li
jisma' l-kelma u jilqagħha minnufih
bil-ferħ; imma għeruq ma jkollux fih
innifsu,u għalhekk ftit idum; imbagħad jiġi fuqu
l-għawġ, jew isib min iħabbtu minħabba l-kelma, u malajr jitfixkel. Dak li nżera'
qalb ix-xewk huwa dak li jisma'
l-kelma iżda l-inkwiet zejjed
għall-ħwejjeġ tad-dinja u l-ġibda għall ġid ta' l-art joħonqulu l-kelma, li
għalhekk ma tagħmilx frott. Dak imbagħad
li nra' f'art tajba huwa dak li jisma' l-kelma
u jifimha; u tassew hu jagħmel il-frott; dan jagħmel mija, dak sittin, u
l-ieħor tletin." Il-Kelma tal-Mulej
The Goodness of God
The parable of the sower and the seed
stood as a favorite parable in the early church. This shortened version from
Matthew can be divided into three parts:
the gathering of the crowds, the waste of the sower, and the abundant harvest.
The contemporaries of Jesus gathered around him to learn about the Kingdom. In
this gospel passage, the crowd was so great, Jesus had to sit in a boat off
shore to teach. But Jesus taught in such a way to cause frustration and
insight. Instead of teaching clearly, he allowed the listener to but the pieces
together. In this way, the listener (and the reader) could grow spiritually.
What are your favorite parables? Why are they your favorite?
The parable of the sower and the seed shocked
Jesus' audience for wasteful planting and the abundant harvest. Ancient people
saw waste as an abuse of the rich. When they discussed economics, most ancient
people agreed on two points. First, there was only a limited amount of wealth
in the world. Second, God (or the gods) willed the distribution of that wealth
within a rigid social class system. The rich (five percent of the population)
held ninety percent of the wealth and the poor battled for survival. The
ancients would consider our modern notions of creating wealth and individual
betterment absurd.
Imagine the audience's attitude toward waste.
They would recycle any useful object and pick up any useful seed so they could
replant it in good soil. Yet the farmer in the parable threw seed around
without thought. Did he flaunt his wealth? Or, did he totally lack common
How do you view wealth? The rich? How do you use your money wisely?
Do you have any hobbies or charities others might see as wasteful?
What satisfaction do you derive from spending money on them?
In the end, however, the harvest vindicated the
farmer's sowing practices. When most people gained yields of two to five times
the amount of grain planted, the farmer in the parable gained 30 to 100 times!
The yield boggled the mind of the ancients.
Jesus considered this parable important enough to
give it two emphatic statements:
"Look!" at the beginning and "Those who have ears, listen!"
at the end. Why? To emphasize the blessings of God's Kingdom. God's blessings
seemed as irrational to Jesus' audience as they do today. God blessed the
wicked with riches while the good suffer. Yet, the suffering of the good led to
much greater blessings. Such was God's Kingdom.
Like any good story, the parables of Jesus had
many levels of meaning. Jesus interpreted this parable for the missionary
ministry of the apostles. In 13: 18-23,
he viewed the sower as the missionary preaching to the crowds. Some in the
crowd reject the message outright (like seeds on the hardened path). Others
receive the message but are immature and quickly lose interest in the face of
opposition (like the seeds on rocky soil which the sun burnt). A third group
become Christians but never enjoy spiritual growth, since worries of the world
get in the way (like the seeds sown with thorn weeds). The last group grows
abundantly in Christ, since they willingly place themselves at risk (like seeds
in a deep, rich soil that is turned over and over).
Jesus meant his parables to shock and befuddle
his audience for a reason. He told parables to make his audience think. Applied
to our modern life, the parable of the sower and the seed still poses a
How can waste and abundance describe blessings in God's kingdom?
How can we risk our hearts (like the soil in the parable) to receive
God's Word (like the seeds)?
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