Readings for December 28, 2014
The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph
Mqaddsa ta’ Gesù, Marija u Guzeppi
(NOTA: Il-Qari bil-Malti li jsegwi huwa skond dak li hemm fil-Lezzjonarju
ufficjali li jintuza fil-knejjes Maltin u ghal xi raguni ma jaqbilx ma dak
ippublikat fil-missallin Malti kif ukoll dak li jintuza bl-Ingliz. Ghalhekk ser
tindunaw b’xi differenzi fl-1 u t-2 Qari kif ukoll fis-Salm. Pero, l-Evangelju huwa
l-istess wiehed.)
1 BIN SIRAK 3:2-6, 12-14
sets a father in honour over his children; a mother’s authority he confirms
over her sons. Whoever honours his father atones for sins, and preserves
himself from them. When he prays, he is
heard; he stores up riches who reveres his mother. Whoever honours his father
is gladdened by children, and, when he prays, is heard. Whoever reveres his
father will live a long life; he who obeys his father brings comfort to his
mother. My son, take care of your father when he is old; grieve him not as long
as he lives. Even if his mind fail, be considerate of him; revile him not all
the days of his life; kindness to a father will not be forgotten, firmly
planted against the debt of your sins —a house raised in justice to you. . This
is the Word of The Lord.
Qari 1 - mill-Ktieb tal-Genesi 15, 1-6; 21,
F’dak iz-zmien, giet il-kelma tal-Mulej
lil Abram f’dehra u qallu: «La tibzax, Abram! Jiena tarka ghalik; hlasek
ikun kbir hafna.» U Abram qallu: «Sidi
Mulej, x’se taghtini, ghax se nibqa’ bla tfal, u l-werriet ta’ dari se jkun
Elighezer ta’ Damasku.» U Abram zied
jghid: «Ara, int lili ma tajtnix
nisel, u qaddej dari se jiritni.» U ara,
waslitlu l-kelma tal-Mulej u qallu:
«Ma jirtekx dan, imma wiehed hiereg mill-Gewwieni tieghek, hu ghad
jirtek.» U hargu barra u qallu: «Hares sewwa lejn is-smewwiet u ghodd il-kwiekeb,
jekk ghandek hila tghoddhom.» U zied jghidlu:
«Hekk ghad ikun nislek.» U hu emmen
fil-Mulej, u dan ghaddhulu b’gustizzja.
U l-Mulej zar lil Sara bhalma kien qalilha, u ghamel maghha dak li kien
weghedha. U Sara tqalet u wildet iben
lil Abraham fi xjuhitu, fiz-zmien li kien qallu Alla. U Abraham semma ’l ibnu li twelidlu, li
kienet wilditlu Sara, Izakk. Il-Kelma
Responsorial Psalm PSalm 128:1-2, 3, 4-5
is everyone who fears the LORD,
who walks in his ways!
For you shall eat the fruit of your handiwork;
blessed shall you be, and favoured.
who walks in his ways!
For you shall eat the fruit of your handiwork;
blessed shall you be, and favoured.
R/ Blessed are those who fear the Lord and walk in his ways.
wife shall be like a fruitful vine
in the recesses of your home;
your children like olive plants
around your table.
in the recesses of your home;
your children like olive plants
around your table.
R/ Blessed are those who fear the Lord and walk in his ways.
Behold, thus is the man
who fears the LORD.
The LORD bless you fromZion :
may you see the prosperity ofJerusalem
all the days of your life.
R/ Blessed are those who fear the Lord and walk in his ways.
who fears the LORD.
The LORD bless you from
may you see the prosperity of
all the days of your life.
R/ Blessed are those who fear the Lord and walk in his ways.
Salm Responsorjali
- SALM 104
(105), 1b-2.3-4.5-6.8-9
Jahweh hu Alla taghna! Jiftakar ghal
dejjem fil-patt tieghu
Fahhru l-Mulej u xandru ismu,
gharrfu lill-gnus bl-ghemejjel tieghu.
Ghannulu u doqqulu,
xandru l-ghegubijiet tieghu kollha. R/ .
Ftahru bl-isem qaddis tieghu;
tifrah il-qalb ta’ dawk li jfittxu
habirku biex taghrfu l-Mulej u l-qawwa
fittxu ‘l wiççu l-hin kollu. R/ .
5Ftakru fil-hwejjeg kbar li ghamel,
fl-ghegubijiet u l-gudizzji tieghu.
6Nisel Abraham, il-qaddej tieghu,
ulied gakobb, il-mahtur tieghu. R/ .
8Jiftakar ghal dejjem fil-patt tieghu,
fil-kelma li ta ghal elf nisel,
9fil-patt li ghamel ma’ Abraham,
fil-weghda li halef lil Izakk. R/ .
Reading 2 COLossians 3:12-21
Brothers and sisters: Put on, as God’s chosen ones, holy and
beloved, heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience, bearing
with one another and forgiving one another,
if one has a grievance against another; as the Lord has forgiven you, so must
you also do. And over all these put on love,
that is, the bond of perfection. And let the peace of Christ control
your hearts, the peace into
which you were also called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ
dwell in you richly, as in all
wisdom you teach and admonish one another,
singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.
And whatever you do, in word or in deed,
do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father
through him. Wives, be
subordinate to your husbands, as
is proper in the Lord. Husbands, love your wives, and avoid any bitterness toward them.
Children, obey your parents in everything,
for this is pleasing to the Lord. Fathers, do not provoke your children, so they may not become discouraged. This is the Word of The Lord.
Qari 2 - mill-Ittra lil-Lhud 11,
Huti, kienet il-fidi li gaghlet lil
Abraham jobdi s-sejha ta’ Alla, meta dan qallu biex imur f’art li kien se
jaghtih b’wirt; u telaq, bla ma kien jaf fejn kien sejjer. Kienet ukoll il-fidi
li biha Sarah, mara mdahhla fiz-zmien, setghet
titqal, ghax hija gharfet li ta’ kelmtu kien dak li ghamlilha
l-weghda. Kien ghalhekk li minn bniedem wiehed, li
kien tista’ tghid mejjet, twieldu nies bil-kotra daqs il-kwiekeb tas-sema u
daqs ir-ramel ta’ xatt il-bahar, li hadd ma jista’ jghoddu. Kienet il-fidi li gaghlet lil Abraham joffri
’l Izakk meta Alla garrbu; u kien se joffri lil ibnu l-wahdieni sewwasew dak li
kien ha l-weghdiet, hu li Alla kien qallu:
«Minn Izakk int ghad ikollok nisel.»
Huwa fehem li Alla kellu s-setgha sahansitra li jqajjem mill-mewt; u,
fis-sens ta’ tixbiha, hadu tabilhaqq lura mill-mewt. Il-Kelma tal-Mulej
Gospel Luke 2:22-40
When the
days were completed for their purification
according to the law of Moses,
They took him up to Jerusalem to
present him to the Lord, just as it is written in the law of the Lord,
Every male that opens
the womb shall be consecrated to the Lord,
and to offer the sacrifice of a pair of turtledoves or two
young pigeons,
in accordance with the dictate in
the law of the Lord. Now there was a man in Jerusalem whose name was Simeon. This man was
righteous and devout, awaiting the consolation of Israel ,
and the Holy Spirit was upon him.
It had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit
that he should not see death
before he had seen the Christ of
the Lord. He came in the Spirit into the temple;
and when the parents brought in
the child Jesus to
perform the custom of the law in regard to him,
He took him into his arms and
blessed God, saying: “Now, Master,
you may let your servant go in peace, according to your word, for my eyes have
seen your salvation, which you prepared in sight of all the peoples, a light
for revelation to the Gentiles, and glory for your people Israel.” The child’s
father and mother were amazed at what was said about him;
and Simeon blessed them and said
to Mary his mother, “Behold, this child is destined for the fall and rise of many in Israel, and to be a sign that will be
contradicted —and you
yourself a sword will pierce— so that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.” There was also a
prophetess, Anna, the daughter of Phanuel, of the tribe of Asher. She was advanced in
years, having
lived seven years with her husband after her marriage,
and then as a widow until she was
eighty-four. She never left the temple,
but worshiped night and day with
fasting and prayer. And coming forward at that very time,
she gave thanks to God and spoke
about the child to all
who were awaiting the redemption of Jerusalem .
When they had fulfilled all the
prescriptions of the law of the Lord, they returned to Galilee, to their own town of Nazareth . The child grew and became strong,
filled with wisdom; and the favour of God was upon him.
This is the Word of The Lord.
Evangelju - Qari mill-Evangelju skont San Luqa 2, 22-40
Wara li ghalqilhom iz-zmien
ghall-purifikazzjoni taghhom skont il-Ligi ta’ Mosè, Marija u guzeppi hadu lil
gesù gerusalemm biex jipprezentawh lill-Mulej, kif hemm miktub fil-Ligi
tal-Mulej: «Kull tifel li jitwieled
l-ewwel, jigi kkonsagrat lill-Mulej» – u biex joffru b’sagrifiççju par gamiem
jew zewg bçieçen, kif jinghad ukoll fil-Ligi tal-Mulej. F’gerusalemm kien hemm
wiehed, jismu Xmun, ragel gust u tajjeb, li kien jistenna l-farag ta’ Izrael u
li kellu l-Ispirtu s-Santu fuqu.
L-Ispirtu s-Santu kien nebbhu li ma kienx se jara l-mewt qabel ma jara
l-Messija tal-Mulej. Mar mela
fit-tempju, imqanqal mill-Ispirtu, u xhin il-genituri dahlu bit-tarbija gesù
biex jaghmlulu dak li kienet trid
il-Ligi, 28huwa laqghu fuq dirghajh, bierek lil Alla u qal: «Issa, o Sid, tista’ thalli l-qaddej tieghek imur
fis-sliem, skont kelmtek, ghaliex ghajnejja raw is-salvazzjoni tieghek li int
hejjejt ghall-popli kollha, dawl biex idawwal il-gnus, u glorja tal-polpu
tieghek Izrael.» Missieru u ommu baqghu mistaghgba b’dak li kien qieghed
jinghad fuqu. Xmun berikhom, u qal lil ommu Marija:
«Ara, dan se jgib il-waqgha u l-qawmien ta’ hafna f’Izrael; se jkun sinjal li
jmeruh, - u inti wkoll, sejf jinfidlek
ruhek! - biex jinkixfu l-hsibijiet mohbija fil-qlub ta’ hafna.» Kien hemm ukoll
wahda profetissa, Anna, bint Fanwel, mit-tribù ta’ Aser. Kienet imdahhla hafna
fiz-zmien; wara xbubitha ghamlet seba’
snin mizzewga, u mbaghad romlot. Sa ma kellha erbgha u tmenin sena ma kienet
titwarrab qatt mit-tempju, lejl u nhar taqdi lil Alla fis-sawm u t-talb. Dak
il-hin stess waslet, u bidet trodd hajr lil Alla u titkellem fuq it-tarbija ma’
dawk kollha li kienu jistennew il-fidwa ta’ Gerusalemm. Meta temmew
kull ma kellhom jaghmlu skont il-Ligi tal-Mulej
regghu lura lejn il-Galilija fil-belt taghhom ta’ Nazaret. U t-tifel baqa’ jikber u jissahhah, mimli
bl-gherf. U l-grazzja ta’ Alla kienet fuqu.
Il-Kelma tal-Mulej
The Jewish Christ of The Underclass
How do people try to hold to the spirit of Christmas?
Another Christmas has passed. The glow of the season dimly
lingers on. While many pack up their lights for another season, others want to
hold on, even for the briefest moments, to the promise of Christmas. Peace on
earth. Goodwill toward all people.
those who know Christ firmly hold that the Spirit of the season lives on, for
that peace and goodwill is Jesus. In Luke's gospel, the Spirit of Christmas not
only lingers, it grows stronger. For God favors his child with wisdom and
grace. And through his child he favours us all. In Luke's gospel, Joseph and Mary brought the child Jesus
to the Temple
for two reasons: the child's
presentation and the mother's purification. Luke used the ceremonies, the
place, and the witnesses to further proclaim Jesus as the Christ.
According to Leviticus 12: 3-4, boys were circumcised eight days after birth..
According to Jewish tradition, this ceremony declared the son legitimate (i.e.,
"presented") before God and the community. [2: 22-23]
A child's mother was unclean for thirty-three days. Only after that period
could the mother celebrate the rite of purification with an offering. [2: 24] While Luke referred to the circumcision of
Jesus eight days after his birth in 2: 21,
he combined the presentation aspect of circumcision with the purification of
Mary in one ceremony, extending it to the family (see 2: 22;
"their cleansing"). Luke, in fact, used the purification ceremony to
emphasize the presentation of Jesus, just as Hannah presented (i.e., dedicated)
Samuel to God at the Temple
(1 Samuel 1: 22-28). The question
remained, what type of service would Jesus give? Luke portrayed the rituals in
the Temple to
advance his theme. Jesus would serve God as the Jewish Christ of the
Let's analyze that theme. First, Jesus was
truly Jewish. His parents were devout Jews, piously following the dictates of
the Law. In fact, their devotion fulfilled the Law, just as Jesus fulfilled the
Law and the Prophets. [2: 22-24]
Second, Jesus was called to be the Christ. The
locale and the monologue promote his title. The Temple was the locus of Jewish devotion, for
they believed God definitely dwelt within its walls. One of the most famous
scenes in the Temple
was Isaiah 6, the young prophet's call by God. With the symbolic connection
between God, his palace (i.e., the Temple ),
and Isaiah the prophet, add his prophetic themes about the promised royal child
(see Isaiah 11: 1-10). Popular Jewish
belief held the coming Messiah would be a king-priest, who would rule and offer
true sacrifice. By holding the presentation of Jesus (i.e., his circumcision)
in the Temple , Luke not only saw Jesus as the
possession of the Father, he also saw Jesus in the Temple as the fulfillment of Isaiah's
prophecy. Jesus was the Christ-child, future king and priest.
The monologue of the witnesses emphasized the
messianic theme. Simeon, the Spirit-filled man, announced this child as the
promised One who would bring about the Day of Judgement (when the nation would
be saved). Simeon prayed to see the Messiah. The Spirit assured him that his
prayer would be answered. [2: 25-26]
His Canticle was a prayer of thanks and proclamation. The child he held in his
arms brought him God's peace. For this Simeon gave thanks. But this child was the
salvation of the nation [2: 30] who
would return honour to God's people [2: 32].
At the same time, the non-Jews would witness his rising [2: 31]. He would enlighten them with God's wisdom [2: 32].
Next, Simeon turned to Mary and proclaimed the
child would cause the fall and rising of many. The fall and rising can refer to
scandal and faith. It can also refer to condemnation (God's judgment) and
resurrection (his salvation). He would be a sign many opposed, but their
actions would reveal their true intent. The scandal-judgment of Jesus would
cause Mary deep pain. [2: 33-35]
Finally, the people in the scene stressed the
underclass, the large majority of those living in the ancient world. Notice
those in the passage. The poor Jewish couple, Simeon who did not seem to have
family, and the widow Anna who lived alone. While Joseph could support Mary
with a trade, Simeon and Anna had no apparent income. As a Spirit-filled man,
Simeon followed God's lead. As a prophetess, Anna acted as social critique and
religious icon. While Simeon appeared to live day-to-day, Anna was nearly
homeless as a widow (unless her children or her extended family supported her;
widows were synonymous with the homeless in the ancient world).
Notice who was not in the passage: priests or other Temple officials. Steeped in money and
privilege, these Sadducees would later oppose Jesus in his Temple ministry. In their absence from the
passage, Luke emphasized God's presence with the common people. The Temple aristocrats were
not needed as mediators. The child would be the mediator. [2: 25-26, 36-37]
The presentation of the child would have an
effect. Jesus grew in character as God favoured him with wisdom and his
- Have you ever experienced God in church, but
in way unexpected?
- Has God ever caught you by surprise, yet in
a way that gave new insight?
- Have children ever caused you to wonder?
- What happened?
In the place of God's dwelling, a child is
presented and given a mission. In the experience of a child, God gave the world
Good News. In the sight of a family, the world saw the presence of God with his
people. Yes, the Spirit of the season lingers on. And it grows stronger as long
as we hold the Christ Child close to us.
Take one or two spiritual gifts you have been given this season. Share
them with a friend or two this week.
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